Clean Eating Club

Join the Club $27

Constipation is a symptom of a bigger problem. Diet is the most common cause of chronic constipation, gut pain, and digestion issues.  But, it can be hard to change our diets and know what to feed our family that they will actually eat. 

Changing the way I fed my family made a huge difference in our health. I think it is the most important thing you can do for gut health.

My Clean Eating Club makes eating healthy easy.

We'll start with a 4 day clean eating Jumpstart and then each month for four months, you will receive:

  • Recipe guide with healthy, family-friendly, gluten-free, and dairy-free recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, healthy snacks, and even desserts.
  • Pantry list to help make grocery shopping a breeze 
  • Food Diary to track what you eat and how your body is being affected on a physical and emotional level.
  • Suggested Meal Schedule to take away the daily chore of coming up with "what's for dinner?"

Join the Club $27

You can keep your favorite meals from previous months and add them to your meal rotation while trying new, healthy meals and snacks each month for four months. This club is a wonderful way to get inspired by new recipes that your family will enjoy. 

When my family went gluten-free and dairy-free 10 years ago, there was so much to learn. Feeding my family felt overwhelming.

I wish I had a resource like the Clean Eating Club back then! I really hope this club helps you to nourish your family with tasty healthy food while taking the pressure off of you to research new recipes that your family will actually eat.

You may be worried that your children won't eat healthy foods, but often, when we removed foods that act on our kid's opiate receptors, like gluten and dairy, they branch out and eat all sorts of healthy foods that we wouldn't have expected them to try.

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Start eating clean! $27

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