Root Cause of Chronic Constipation Course

What this course can do for you:

"Root Cause of Chronic Constipation" was designed to give you the information you need to work with your medical team to find the root cause of chronic constipation, so you can overcome it permanently.

Chronic constipation is happening for a reason and it is really critical to figure out what that reason is. 

Until you figure out why you or your child are constipated, you will have a hard time solving the constipation permanently.   No amount of magnesium will work long term if you or your child are celiac or gluten intolerant and still eating wheat, or if dairy intolerant and still eating and drinking dairy. 

In this course we will dig down deep into some of the more common causes of constipation. Reading about these causes can help you to get a game plan in place for a long-term solution and will help you to know what testing you need to request your doctor to perform.  

Unfortunately, many doctors just prescribe laxatives instead of getting to the root cause.  The laxatives do not solve anything but are just bandaids on the problem of constipation.  Once you figure out what the culprit is that is causing constipation, you are on the road to ending the struggle.  

I have put what I have learned over the past decade into a course to help families like ours get to the root cause of the problem so you won't be relying on laxatives or supplements to have a bowel movement.

It includes an hour and a half of video lessons, telling you everything I wish I had known when my son was a baby and struggling.

You can take the information you learn in the course to your doctor and ask for the tests or evaluations you need, plus there are many things you can do on your own to help. We have to be our own advocates.

Laxatives, whether prescribed by your doctor or over-the-counter, are just a band-aid on the problem of chronic constipation.

They do not solve anything. 

It is critical to learn why you, or your child, are struggling.  Once you figure that out with the help of this course, you will be well on your way to ending the chronic constipation permanently.

  Enroll now for $67 

Learn what your, or your child's, bowel movements are telling you.

Chronic constipation is a symptom of a problem.  The constipation is telling you something.  In this course, we will work to figure out what that might be.

Learn How Diet Impacts Constipation

Diet is the most common cause of chronic constipation. But, what causes one person's constipation may not bother another person.  There is no one size fits all solution for diet.  We will work to figure out what the most helpful solutions will be for you, or your child, based on the symptoms experienced.

Get Support in our Community

Get support from others experiencing the same issues. We have thousands of members in our community who are at varying stages of this journey.  They are a wealth of information and support.

Find the Root Cause

Until you figure out what is causing your, or your child's chronic constipation, it is very difficult to get permanent relief.  Our goal is to gather as much information as possible so you can work with your medical team to uncover the root cause of the chronic constipation.

Celebrate being Constipation-free

My goal with this course is to give you a step-by-step plan to help you, or your child, become constipation-free, so you get your life back. 

What "Root Cause of Chronic Constipation" Includes:

  • 7 modules with video lessons containing over 1 1/2 hours of content to guide you step-by-step through the process.
  • Tracking diaries to document the clues that will help you to find the root cause.
  • Food Journal to track what you eat and how it impacts your bowel movements.
  • Constipation relieving recipes
  • Bonus Deep Breathing Video for relief of stress that could be contributing to your constipation.
  Enroll now for $67 

  1. A little about me
  2. Clues in Your Stool
  3. Diet and Constipation
  4. Fiber and Constipation
  5. Gut Bacteria and Constipation
  6. Root Causes of Chronic Constipation
  7. Stress, Trauma, & the Gut

Bonus: Deep Breathing for Relaxation

Answers to Your Questions

Does this course replace going to a doctor?

No!  I am not a doctor. The information I teach you in the course is not medical advice and is not meant to replace your doctor. Doctors have very little time with each patient. They can't go into depth on various supplements and how they work, diet options, and their impact on constipation, and may not be able to figure out what is causing your constipation in a brief appointment. 

This course's goal is to empower you with all of the information you need so when you go see your doctor, you know what questions to ask, what tests to request, and have a plan for a course of action you want to take to find the root cause.

Should I enroll in this class if I am on prescription meds like Lizness, Motegrity, Trulance, or over-the-counter laxatives like Miralax or other PEG 3350 laxatives?

If you or your child are on prescription meds or Miralax, you probably need to check out my full course "Overcome Your Chronic Constipation" as that course will help you to get off of chemical laxatives and use natural alternatives for constipation relief as well as everything this course contains.

How much does the course cost?

Root Cause of Chronic Constipation costs $67, much less than the cost of one appointment with an integrative or functional medicine doctor.

If I buy this course do you guarantee that I will not suffer from chronic constipation when I am done?

Unfortunately, I can't guarantee that. What I can guarantee is that this course will give you the information you need to work with your medical team to find the answers. I have spent years developing the methods I teach and have helped thousands of families just like yours.

What will happen when I join?

When you click the enroll now button, a box will pop up for you to sign up and input your payment information. Immediately after you are registered, you’ll have access to all of the course content. From then on, you'll have direct access to the course on your dashboard.

I'll email you a link with the course log-in information for your records. as well.

Should I stop taking medicines prescribed by my doctor?

No, but you should discuss the information you learn in this course with your doctor. If your doctor is not willing to work with you on this, find a doctor who is open to working with you to help you with testing.

I have resources in the course to help you find a doctor who will support you.

If your child has been prescribed Miralax or another PEG 3350 laxative, please know that Miralax is not approved by the FDA for use in children under 17. 

My son suffered serious side effects from Miralax.  You can watch this video on the skyrocketing number of adverse events in children who have been prescribed Miralax, or this video about how my son was diagnosed with Tourettes while on Miralax.

Miralax and other PEG 3350 laxatives are not approved for use by the FDA for more than 7 days for anyone.

Does this course help someone with IBS-C or long-term constipation?

Yes! IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. That means that your doctor diagnosed you with IBS when they didn't know the cause of your constipation and gut problems. 

This course will help you to figure that out, so you can get your constipation and gut pain under control.

We will be going over when your constipation started, even if that was at birth, and what that could mean for you, and what tests to ask for to get answers.

My child is struggling with constipation, will this class help me help them?

Yes! I am a mother of a child who struggled with constipation from birth.  Helping him started me on my journey to learn everything I teach in this course.  You can make huge improvements in your child's health using the information in this course, just like I did with my son.

Who is "Root Cause of Chronic Constipation" for?

"Root Cause Chronic Constipation" is for you if you have a protocol of supplements that are working for you, but are frustrated with the lack of information you are getting from your doctors and are looking for why you or your child are struggling. 

If your doctor just prescribes laxatives and sends you home to struggle with constipation, laxative-induced diarrhea, gut pain, embarrassing accidents, and anxiety that you or your child will never feel better, then this course will help you.

If you are ok with taking a laxative long term and don't want to make any changes, then this course is probably not the right one for you.

I want everyone who needs this information to be able to have it so I have added a payment plan to make it as easy as possible for you to get the help you need.

  Enroll now for $67 

Testimonials from Wendy's Clients

After being on Miralax every single day for 8 months, I can happily say that my daughter has been “Miralax Free” for one week and I will never give her that stuff again because I now have the tools to help her naturally instead of using a synthetic laxative. My daughter was constipated. Normally I would’ve given her another dose of Miralax that evening, but this time I implemented Wendy’s strategies and they worked!! And they have worked every single day since then.  Wendy is more knowledgeable than any doctor I’ve worked with. She’s been through this with her family and is passionate to help. I am forever grateful to Wendy.  -Tara

Great news! My grandson is no longer constipated. He now goes 1-3 times a day! Woot woot! No pain, no vomiting, and no Miralax. Thanks! - Connie

Just wanted to say a huge thank you to Wendy Hayden for all the help you provide. My daughter (10 months) is no longer constipated. I never thought this would happen. -Lucy

Wendy, I am happy to report that I am having more frequent bowel movements than I ever had before! -Cathy

Wendy Hayden helped my son. He had been on Miralax since he was 10 months old. He just turned 14 & we are almost into a full year of no Miralax. Thank you! -Tami  

I am making progress and not having to rely on laxatives! -Mike

So thankful for you! My girl with cerebral palsy has been way different than my other children’s and their every now and then constipation. You have helped us keep her regulated and understand gut health. Doctors don’t tell us a lot. -Tiffany

With our youngest, we've already started to adjust her diet. Today we got 3 poops from our 2 yr old - we are so proud of her! Thanks again for your help! -Travis

There isn't much information out there and I'm impressed with how you're getting info out and helping families! Thank you SO MUCH for the info! -Cassie

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 Root Cause
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