Overcome Chronic Constipation Course

What this course can do for you:

"Overcome Chronic Constipation" was designed to help you, or your child, have 1-3 pain-free bowel movements a day using a personalized natural protocol and to give you the information you need to work with your medical team to find the root cause of chronic constipation, so you can overcome it permanently.

Many of us are here because doctors have failed us. They didn't help us figure out what was causing our children's ( or our) constipation and just prescribed a toxic laxative and sent us home to struggle.

My journey here started 10 years ago when a top-rated pediatric gastroenterologist prescribed Miralax to my son. I questioned the laxative but was told that it was an inert sugar...it is not, not absorbed by the body...not true, and safe as water....it is totally not.

Over the 16 or so months my son was on Miralax his physical and mental health spiraled down. His multiple doctors all assured me that Miralax was not the reason for this and that I needed to keep giving it to him. That there were no other options due to him having congenital megacolon.

While on Miralax, my son was diagnosed with Autism, anxiety, panic attacks, failure to thrive, Sensory Processing Disorder, and Tourette's.

Thankfully, I found a little post on an old Yahoo message board from a parent whose child suffered similar side effects from Miralax and stopped giving it to him.

I have spent the last 10 years working to undo the terrible damage Miralax had done to my beautiful boy. He is now a 6'2" chess-playing 11th grader and I couldn't be prouder of him.

He hasn't needed laxatives in years and doesn't take any supplements.

In the years that I have been doing this work, I have talked with parents of children who suffer from seizures that began while they were taking Miralax, parents whose children have committed violent crimes while on Miralax, adults who struggle with pain, depression, and suicidal thought while on Miralax, and even a mother whose child died during a hospital clean out using PEG 3350.

My heart breaks for all of these families.

I have made it my mission to spread the word on the dangers of Miralax. But telling people not to use it isn't enough. People need to know what to do instead.

I have put what I have learned over the past decade into a course to help families like ours overcome chronic constipation without using toxic laxatives.

It includes over 2 1/2 hours of video lessons, telling you everything I wish I had known when my son was a baby and struggling.

The course will help you figure out a protocol to help you or your child have 1-3 bowel movements a day and will help you figure out the root cause or causes of your or your child's chronic constipation.

You can take the information you learn in the course to your doctor and ask for the tests or evaluations you need, plus there are many things you can do on your own to help. We have to be our own advocates.

Laxatives, whether prescribed by your doctor or over-the-counter, are just a band-aid on the problem of chronic constipation.

They do not solve anything. 

It is critical to learn why you, or your child, are struggling.  Once you figure that out with the help of this course, you will be well on your way to ending the chronic constipation permanently.

  Pay $147 now or Payment Plan

I surveyed my community and asked how much they spend a year on laxatives and supplements to try to relieve their constipation. 

75% said they spend over $100 a year and 56% spend over $300! 

This can add up to thousands of dollars over your, or your child’s lifetime.  This survey only counted money spend on supplements, not copays or other expenses. 

Overcome Chronic Constipation costs $147, but with this course, you will have a variety of resources.  

Pay in full course or 4 payments

$147.00 or 4 pays of $40* a month

(*service fees apply due to 3rd party processing for payment plans)

Instead of spending hundreds of dollars a year on laxatives, get to the root cause of your, or your child's constipation, so you don't have spend your hard-earned money on laxatives in the future.

What is included in this course:

Pill Bottle GraphicPick the most effective supplement for your situation

Learn how to pick the right supplement to replace toxic and ineffective chemical laxatives.

Learn what your, or your child's, bowel movements are telling you.

Chronic constipation is a symptom of a problem.  The constipation is telling you something.  In this course, we will work to figure out what that might be.

Learn How Diet Impacts Constipation

Diet is the most common cause of chronic constipation. But, what causes one person's constipation may not bother another person.  There is no one size fits all solution for diet.  We will work to figure out what the most helpful solutions will be for you, or your child, based on the symptoms experienced.

Get Support in our Community

Get support from others experiencing the same issues. We have thousands of members in our community who are at varying stages of this journey.  They are a wealth of information and support.

Find the Root Cause

Until you figure out what is causing your, or your child's chronic constipation, it is very difficult to get permanent relief.  Our goal is to gather as much information as possible so you can work with your medical team to uncover the root cause of the chronic constipation.

Celebrate being Constipation-free

My goal with this course is to give you a step-by-step plan to help you, or your child, become constipation-free, so you get your life back. 

What "Overcome Chronic Constipation" Includes:

  • 12 modules with video lessons containing over 2 1/2 hours of video content to guide you step-by-step through the process. It is like having Wendy right there next to you like your best friend, walking you through the process.
  • Actionable Protocols to get quick relief and long-term answers.
  • Tracking diaries to help you develop a regiment to help you or your child have daily, pain-free bowel movements.
  • Food Journal to track what you eat and how it impacts your bowel movements.
  • Constipation relieving recipes
  • Bonus Deep Breathing Video for relief of stress that could be contributing to your constipation.
  1. What to Expect
  2. A little about me
  3. Types of Laxatives
  4. Bowel Tolerance
  5. Magnesium for Constipation
  6. Supplements for Constipation Relief
  7. Clues in Your Stool
  8. Diet and Constipation
  9. Fiber and Constipation
  10. Gut Bacteria and Constipation
  11. Root Causes of Chronic Constipation
  12. Stress, Trauma, & the Gut

Bonus: Deep Breathing for Relaxation

Answers to Your Questions

Does this course replace going to a doctor?

No!  I am not a doctor. The information I teach you in the course is not medical advice and is not meant to replace your doctor. Doctors have very little time with each patient. They can't go into depth on various supplements and how they work, diet options, and their impact on constipation, and may not be able to figure out what is causing your constipation in a brief appointment. 

This course's goal is to empower you with all of the information you need so when you go see your doctor, you know what questions to ask, what tests to request, and have a plan for a course of action you want to take.

How much does the course cost?

Overcome Chronic Constipation costs $147, but with this course, you will have a variety of resources.  

$147.00 or 4 pays of $40 a month (*service fees apply due to 3rd party processing for payment plans)

Instead of spending hundreds of dollars a year on laxatives, get to the root cause of your, or your child's constipation, so you don't have to spend your hard-earned money on laxatives in the future.

  Pay $147  or Payment Plan

If I buy this course do you guarantee that I will not suffer from chronic constipation when I am done?

Unfortunately, I can't guarantee that. What I can guarantee is that this course will give you the information you need to work with your medical team to find the answers. I have spent years developing the methods I teach and have helped thousands of families just like yours.

What will happen when I join?

When you click the enroll now button, a box will pop up for you to sign up and input your payment information. Immediately after you are registered, you’ll have access to all of the course content. From then on, you'll have direct access to the course on your dashboard.

I'll email you a link with the course log-in information for your records as well. 

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 Pay $147
 $ 147.00 USD
 4 Pay Plan
 $ 40.00 USD  ( then $40.00 USD for 3 months )

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